【 Good News 】 HANSWELL has been recognized by the Guangdong Intelligent Perception and Robot Control Engineering Technology Research Center


At the beginning of the 2023 New Year,HANSWELL has received good news again. In the list of Guangdong Engineering Technology Research Centers issued by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, HANSWELL has been recognized by the Guangdong Intelligent Perception and Robot Control Engineering Technology Research Center, and its independent research and innovation capabilities have once again been recognized by authorities.

Basic Overview

The Guangdong Engineering Technology Research Center aims to establish a technology innovation system with enterprises as the main body, market orientation, and deep integration of industry, academia, and research. It focuses on the important needs of industrial development, builds a technology innovation platform, promotes collaborative innovation between industry, academia, and research, breaks through key common technologies that restrict industrial development, cultivates industry-leading enterprises, effectively undertakes national major scientific and technological achievement transformation projects, and promotes high-quality economic development.

Images (screenshots of some awards)

Facing industrial applications and development,  HANSWELL adheres to the principle of independent innovation. Its intelligent perception and robot integration technology has broken through foreign technological blockades and achieved localization of "bottleneck" technology. This award of research center certification also demonstrates the company's strong innovation strength, marking a further development of technological innovation and research and development in intelligent perception and robot control engineering technology.

In the future, HANSWELL will continue to take the path of innovation, focus on tackling core product technologies, take user needs as the benchmark, continuously improve products, and effectively strengthen the construction and management of the Guangdong Province Intelligent Perception and Robot Control Engineering Technology Research Center, contributing to the construction of a technology strong province.

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