Multi-industry visual solutions to create industry paradigm cases
Core technical advantages, the whole life cycle of hardware and software integrated debugging services
Product layout
  • Power battery
  • Automobile industry
  • Consumer electronics
  • Display panel
  • Photovoltaic industry
  • Medical industry
  • Logistics warehousing
  • Pan-semiconductor
  • 2D vision
  • 3D vision
  • Industrial AI intelligent detection
  • Standard component
  • AOI equipment
10 years + experience in automation industry
  • Optical design capability


    Phase deflection

    Interference technique

    Submicron imaging

    Point/line confocal

    Optical path design

  • Mechanism design capability

    High precision platform

    Thermal simulation

    Motion control

    Industrial design

    Structural design

  • Electrical design capability





    High speed circuit


  • Algorithm library

    3D algorithm

    Intelligent obstacle avoidance

    Robot control

    AI algorithm

    Path planning

    2D algorithm

  • Software capability

    Configuration technology

    Linux platform

    Cloud-edge-end cloud architecture

    Win platform

HANSWELL: Deeply Engaged in Machine Vision, Propelling the Digitalization of Intelligent Manufacturing

HANSWELL is deeply engaged in the research and development of machine vision technology. Building upon our core strengths in proprietary algorithms and software, we have amplified our investments in hardware, optics, and precision motion control, establishing comprehensive RD capabilities that span optics, mechanics, electronics, computing, and software.

We prioritize tackling the critical challenges and difficulties within industrial inspection. By enhancing the precision and efficiency of on-site inspection for our clients, we are dedicated to bringing the promise of digital and intelligent manufacturing to fruition. HANSWELL is committed to being a significant contributor and witness to the advancement of intelligent manufacturing in China.

  • 1000 +
    Covering diverse industry segments and applications
  • 300 +
    Serveing leading enterprises in the service industry
  • 70% +
    RD team proportion
  • Leading Group in China
HANSWELL is at your side, serving with your heart
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