HANSWELL 3D+AI visual technology assists in the manufacturing of automotive parts and empowers flexible production lines


In the process of automobile manufacturing, the safety and matching degree of automotive components play a crucial role. Improper component combinations may lead to safety issues such as power loss, increased vibration, and increased noise. The manual quality inspection method is not only inefficient, but also easily influenced by personal abilities, leading to missed or false inspections, which cannot meet the modern manufacturing industry's demand for efficiency, accuracy, and reliability.

Therefore,under the trend of intelligent and lightweight development, the demand for machine vision in the automotive industry is expected to continue to increase.

The main role of machine vision technology

  • Dimensional measurement
When using traditional manual measurement methods, it is often difficult to accurately distinguish the subtle differences between components due to human factors. However, with the introduction of machine vision inspection systems, precise measurement of component dimensions and features can be achieved, which not only significantly improves measurement accuracy but also greatly enhances overall production efficiency.

  • defect detection
By equipped with high-performance cameras and optimized image processing algorithms, the visual inspection system can capture and recognize product images in a short period of time, accurately detecting surface problems such as defects, scratches, and dents, as well as unqualified internal assembly.

  • Guiding positioning
By using visual inspection technology, it is possible to automatically identify the position, size, shape, and type of materials, perform precise positioning and matching, achieve automated grasping and handling processes, significantly reduce manual intervention, and ensure the safety and efficiency of the production process.

  • Component identification and tracking
By installing cameras and sensors on the production line, the position and status of components can be tracked, ensuring assembly according to plan, which helps reduce assembly errors and downtime on the production line.

With the complexity of the manufacturing process for new energy vehicles, there is a significant increase in the required precision components, which puts higher demands on the efficiency and accuracy of testing.

Huahan Weiye is driven by innovation, equipped with 3D+AI technology and machine vision to enter more application scenarios, achieving intelligent and flexible production of components, and helping end customers significantly improve production efficiency and quality standards on the production line.

The Application of Huahan Weiye in Automobile Manufacturing

  • Quality inspection of engine cover plate sealant coating

The Huahan Weiye HyperShape 3D visual online inspection system adopts a 3D imaging method based on 3D vision, and uses irregular adhesive path grabbing tools and continuous contour tools to detect the quality of adhesive coating,It can detect various types of colloids, and can achieve accurate recognition and detection even in situations where the coating thickness/height is abnormal, the adhesive track is close to the background color, and low contrast, improving product yield and fast calculation speed,Realize a missed detection rate of 0 and a misjudgment rate of ≤ 0.5%.

  • Detection of defects in motor stator core warping, paint dripping, and cracking

Huahan Weiye 3D+AI visual inspection technology uses defect tools to accurately capture the location of small paint flows. At the same time, continuous contour analysis is used to effectively detect the situation of end face warping, stably identify gaps, and output the specific width of gaps, with a missed detection rate of 0, meeting the project detection requirements.

  • PIN pin height detection on automotive parts PCB board

Automotive parts PCB boards usually contain a large number of PIN pins, which are numerous, dense, have a small surface area, and are made of metal reflective materials,Huahan Weiye introduces 3D vision technology and image processing algorithms to achieve non-contact and high-precision PIN pin height detection,Being able to quickly and accurately obtain the three-dimensional coordinate information of the PIN pin, ensuring perfect imaging, achieving a false alarm rate of 0 and a false alarm rate of ≤ 1%, helps to ensure the electrical connection performance and mechanical stability of automotive accessories.

  • Inspection of TIG solder joints on motor stator

江南JNSport体育登录入口使用3D视觉成像,通过定位工具、块状物工具、点到点距离工具等检测出不良的位置、个数、面积,快速完成检测,精准识别细微缺陷。通过AI的赋能,Huahan Weiye uses 3D visual imaging to detect the location, number, and area of defects through positioning tools, block tools, and point-to-point distance tools, quickly completing the detection and accurately identifying subtle defects. Empowered by AI,We have connected the entire flexible customization process of data collection, analysis, and algorithm precipitation, achieving a missed detection rate of 0, an error rate of ≤ 1%, and a position detection accuracy of ± 0.1mm.

Huahan Weiye applies 3D+AI visual technology to size measurement and appearance defect detection of automotive components, combined with the perfect combination of industrial cameras and industrial lenses, which brings high stability and high usability, further improving the efficiency and quality of the entire production process.

At present, high-quality, efficient, and intelligent solutions have been implemented on many project sites, helping users shorten product testing time, improve the accuracy of testing results, and meet the industrial production needs of modern automobiles.

In the future, Huahan Weiye will continue to innovate technological versions, expand product boundaries, work together with partners to explore new levels of perception, and continuously promote the upgrading of industry flexibility and intelligence.

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