S Series
S162 series

Truly achieving 2D+3D fusion detection

The S162 series has a resolution of up to 16.2 million pixels and a FOV long edge pixel count of 5328 (non interpolated), making it the highest native resolution 3D camera in the industry. In the case of full point cloud output, the S162 series can still achieve an astonishing 4.0FPS (non Binning) full cycle frame rate, providing a guarantee for truly realizing 2D+3D fusion detection. The S162 series, with its ultra-high resolution and ultra fast full cycle frame rate, relies on the industry-leading S technology platform to obtain high-resolution 3D data and high-precision, Bayer matrix free 3CCD true color images in one stop, truly achieving 2D+3D fusion detection!

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Hardware specifications
Equipment parameters S162060 S162170
Full cycle frame rate (FPS) ≤14.5 /≤ 4.0 ≤14.5 / ≤4.0
Data resolution (million pixels) 16.2M 16.2M
Center object distance (mm) 200 400
Standard field of view (mm) 60x34.2 170x97
Z-axis measurement range (mm) ±10 ±20
Z-axis single point repetition accuracy (1 σ) (um) * 1, * 2 1.02 2.11
Z-axis region repetition accuracy (1 σ) (um) * 1, * 3 0.1 0.15

*1. Full field of view and panoramic depth repeatability accuracy: Shoot the target object at the positive limit depth of field, zero plane, and negative limit depth of field, and measure 9 corner areas uniformly for each FOV. Take the worst result of 27 Z-axis repeatability accuracy values; The target object is a ceramic plate.

*2. Single point Z-axis repetition accuracy: The standard deviation of the difference between the Z-value of a single point P and the Z-mean of region A is twice the standard deviation of 100 measurements. A has an area of 1% FOV, and P is located in the center of A.

*3. Region Z-axis repeatability accuracy: The standard deviation of the difference between the Z-means of region A and the Z-means of region B is doubled after 100 measurements. A. The B area is 1% FOV, adjacent to each other.

Truly achieving 2D+3D fusion detection

The S162 series has a resolution of up to 16.2 million pixels and a FOV long edge pixel count of 5328 (non interpolated), making it the highest native resolution 3D camera in the industry. In the case of full point cloud output, the S162 series can still achieve an astonishing 4.0FPS (non Binning) full cycle frame rate, providing a guarantee for truly realizing 2D+3D fusion detection. The S162 series, with its ultra-high resolution and ultra fast full cycle frame rate, relies on the industry-leading S technology platform to obtain high-resolution 3D data and high-precision, Bayer matrix free 3CCD true color images in one stop, truly achieving 2D+3D fusion detection!

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